gnikyt Code ramblings.

Guts with multisite

This is just a quick and proud update that I’ve released a lengthy update to Guts which includes multisite abilities. Meaning, you can run the same Guts admin interface for multiple domains. It also includes a handy concern for enabling multisite support on your application.

Right from the docs is the full details below. Besides that, I’ve introduced a CHANGELOG file, multiple fixes, and more tests from the multisite pull request. The Gem is now at version 1.1.0 with a passing build. As a cool note, because Guts is on, you can open your favorite doc app like Dash, and pull the full documentation.

How It Works

All models for Guts except for Groups, Users, and Sites, have a default_scope which scopes the queries to the current domain.

So using for example, Guts::Content.all will show all content for the current domain only.

Getting Started

Admin Setup

Open Guts’ dashboard and head to Sites in the sidebar. From here, there are two ways to handle your situation…

  1. The current domain is the “default”, you add the extra domains
  2. No current “default”, you add a default domain and the extra domains

In most cases, you’ll use options one and have pointing for Guts (meaning you don’t add it in the section of the site), then you’d add your secondary domains such as

Code Setup

Open your application_controller.rb file and add include Guts::MultisiteConcern.

This will do two things:

  1. Adds a before_action to set the current site (@current_site) based on the domain, which is also usable in your views
  2. Adds a around_action which tells the Site model which site ID we’re requesting so the models can be scoped to only show data for the current site.

For more insight into this concern see app/concerns/guts/multisite_concern.rb or view the YARD documenation.

Misc. Notes

“Set as Default” option

The Set as Default option the in sites section internally means nothing to Guts. It simply flags the site a boolean value to determine if you’ve set it as the default which you can then use in your application (maybe to query it, etc).

Users & Groups

Currently, multisite support does not scope users and groups. This means the same users and groups will appear in all domains.


Because for most models, a default_scope is provided, you may wish to remove this scope in some use-cases (such as pulling content from all sites, not just the current site). Simply add unscoped to your ActiveRecord queries.

# For current site

# For all